module VGA_Ctrl ( // Host Side
iRed, iGreen, iBlue, oCurrent_X, oCurrent_Y, oAddress, oRequest, // VGA Side oVGA_R, oVGA_G, oVGA_B, oVGA_HS, oVGA_VS, oVGA_SYNC, oVGA_BLANK, oVGA_CLOCK, // Control Signal iCLK, iRST_N );// Host Sideinput [9:0] iRed;input [9:0] iGreen;input [9:0] iBlue;output [21:0] oAddress;output [10:0] oCurrent_X;output [10:0] oCurrent_Y;output oRequest;// VGA Sideoutput [9:0] oVGA_R;output [9:0] oVGA_G;output [9:0] oVGA_B;output reg oVGA_HS;output reg oVGA_VS;output oVGA_SYNC;output oVGA_BLANK;output oVGA_CLOCK;// Control Signalinput iCLK;input iRST_N; // Internal Registersreg [10:0] H_Cont;xvreg [10:0] V_Cont;// Horizontal Parameterparameter H_FRONT = 16;parameter H_SYNC = 96;parameter H_BACK = 48;parameter H_ACT = 640;parameter H_BLANK = H_FRONT+H_SYNC+H_BACK;parameter H_TOTAL = H_FRONT+H_SYNC+H_BACK+H_ACT;// Vertical Parameterparameter V_FRONT = 11;parameter V_SYNC = 2;parameter V_BACK = 31;parameter V_ACT = 480;parameter V_BLANK = V_FRONT+V_SYNC+V_BACK;parameter V_TOTAL = V_FRONT+V_SYNC+V_BACK+V_ACT;assign oVGA_SYNC = 1'b1; // This pin is unused.assign oVGA_BLANK = ~((H_Cont<H_BLANK)||(V_Cont<V_BLANK));assign oVGA_CLOCK = ~iCLK;assign oVGA_R = iRed;assign oVGA_G = iGreen;assign oVGA_B = iBlue;assign oAddress = oCurrent_Y*H_ACT+oCurrent_X;assign oRequest = ((H_Cont>=H_BLANK && H_Cont<H_TOTAL) && (V_Cont>=V_BLANK && V_Cont<V_TOTAL));assign oCurrent_X = (H_Cont>=H_BLANK) ? H_Cont-H_BLANK : 11'h0 ;assign oCurrent_Y = (V_Cont>=V_BLANK) ? V_Cont-V_BLANK : 11'h0 ;// Horizontal Generator: Refer to the pixel clock
always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST_N)begin if(!iRST_N) begin H_Cont <= 0; oVGA_HS <= 1; end else begin if(H_Cont<H_TOTAL) H_Cont <= H_Cont+1'b1; else H_Cont <= 0; // Horizontal Sync if(H_Cont==H_FRONT-1) // Front porch end oVGA_HS <= 1'b0; if(H_Cont==H_FRONT+H_SYNC-1) // Sync pulse end oVGA_HS <= 1'b1; endend//|--------|//____|-------------// Vertical Generator: Refer to the horizontal syncalways@(posedge oVGA_HS or negedge iRST_N)begin if(!iRST_N) begin V_Cont <= 0; oVGA_VS <= 1; end else begin if(V_Cont<V_TOTAL) V_Cont <= V_Cont+1'b1; else V_Cont <= 0; // Vertical Sync if(V_Cont==V_FRONT-1) // Front porch end oVGA_VS <= 1'b0; if(V_Cont==V_FRONT+V_SYNC-1) // Sync pulse end oVGA_VS <= 1'b1; endendendmodule